THIS IS MY Art Portfolio
Print on Satin
58 cm x 81 cm
Verità (Remix) is a digital collage that samples elements of the video TRUE, „behind the scene“-photos of the artist´s studio as well as symbols connected to the subject. It´s an expression oft he mysterious nature of truth and its complex layers.
Print on Satin
58 cm x 81 cm
Verità (Remix) is a digital collage that samples elements of the video TRUE, „behind the scene“-photos of the artist´s studio as well as symbols connected to the subject. It´s an expression oft he mysterious nature of truth and its complex layers.
“Verità” (hanging) & “Offering” (installation)
Velour paper, various customized objects
50 cm x 34 cm
The „truth“ of an object, its meaning, changes often due to its context.
The partly customized objects of the installation have traces of wear, the wax tongue reminds of a material that votive offerings are often made of and is at the same time hinting at the malleable nature which truth has – especially in our mouths. Offering is a plea to the power of truth itself.