Oswald is interested in relationships, language as well as the human condition/existential issues and she explores these themes through various media and means.

Visual Art

She is often, but not solely, working with photography and video. Her work is often based on performative or narrative concepts which are tied to personal experiences, inspired by myth(ology) and specific knowledge or stories she comes across through research.
Oswald is also curious to switch between the position as performer and observer what results in performative works or elements as well as works with (semi)documentary character.

Lately she´s also turned to experimenting more with analogue techniques like collage.

Besides her visual artwork Oswald has continually been cultivating a literary practice in different languages. Her poems often preserve fleeting moments and sensual observations or serve as a kind of condensed diary, sometimes narrative, sometimes more encrypted.

In her artist books she likes to bring together her writing and her visual artworks.

Books & Publications

She has published one book of her first Portuguese poems “SAL ~ SOL ; SOLO” (2017) and an artistbook “THE BLUE BOOK” with a selection of her English poems as well as mixed media artworks revolving around sensuality, imagination and the element of water (released 2020).

Besides she´s collaborating with others on artist zines, especially a series of zines titled “A Sensual Journal”. Issues 1-4 are out. 3 more will follow.

Oswald also finished a novel in German in 2022 which is dealing with themes like home, family, friendship and also homelessness/living on the street – it´s inspired by and dedicated to her homeless friend Frank whom she met on the streets of Lisbon (who sadly passed away in 2022).



I ́m utterly curious. I ́m utterly interested in the world, in people, in things – the obvious and the hidden. I never stopped asking questions. I ́m looking at things closely. I ́m intensely aware of things around me, the things I hear, I see, I smell, I feel. Sometimes I would like to grab people at their shoulders and shout at them: Look at this! Can´t you see that? Doesn ́t it do anything to you? 

This is, what my work is about, about focusing, concentrating, sharing and conveying moments that can change how we see and perceive things in this world that surrounds us. I think that my mission as an artist with a distinct sensibility is also to make people feel more aware – be it on a visual or emotional level, be it in regard to the beauty of a color, the complexity of feeling or with regard to certain concepts and ideas.

My work is inspired by and therefore about life. Humans. Their longings and imperfections. Identity. Transformation. Relationships. As in a society we ́re connected. Intimacy. What makes us vulnerable. Spaces. Social and other environments. As they shape us. Society. And what it means, how it affects the individual through codes of behaviour. Communication. If through gestures or phrases. Life in all its hues. Thresholds of emotions and behaviour. Thus I´m also inspired by mythological, ancient or popular stories and motifs that are vehicles for topics of deeply human interest.

It ́s crucial for me to switch between contrasting positions. To create stories and experiences I like to explore the side of the performer/actor and the one of the observer/composer. So part of my work is based on performative approaches, also featuring myself as body or voice. Another approach is to explore through perceiving rather than acting, to see, frame and compose things from the „backstage“ to provide them in whatever final form for the eyes of others. A more meditative concentration in contrast to the rather active artistic rituals and actions.

Though working a lot with lens based/time based media I believe in working with the medium that feels right for a certain idea and I don´t want to limit my means of expression. I believe in cultivating an open, multidisciplinary practice that also includes workshops inspired by my work and central topics. 

Also writing, mostly poems, has also always been one of my earliest ways to express myself and „create pictures“.  Thus my love for books/publications and language builds another strand of my work.