#TRUE_flags, 2018
Prints on satin, golden brass bars
Flags ca. 95 x 60 cm, Brass bar 2 m
Flags are generally associated with or a signal of a union of individual people forming a certain community or believing in the same cause.
The flags for TRUE are prints of selected videostills of the eponymous video. In the form of the textile print they get a real, a true physical body again, they transform from digital pixel to haptic materiality again, yet they are not rigid as there is movement inherent in the light fabric and as a flag they can be set in motion and get activated through people using them.
The selected stills for the flags are all featuring a sentence or word/hashtag from which the visitor can choose what resonates most with them and what kind of „truth“ they want to join or become part of resp. demonstrate for.
#we will need another
The flags also can get combined to form new ideas like „We will need another – Revolution“.
The images are featuring the back of a woman as well as stills from the Mediterranean Sea. Everyone has other associations with these images in combination with these specific words, for everyone there emerge different thoughts, feelings and „truths“.
My „cause“, my truth is believing in the power of peaceful constructiveness and the idea that revolutions start within ourselves, with becoming more conscious and working on our attitude/posture.
So with this work I want to actively engage people to experience what it means to march around with a well visible word or truth they chose, they decided for, they decided to identify with. What does it do to them, how does it feel?
Usually also when we carry a flag we do that with a certain posture, we don´t march with our head bowed but rather standing up straight with a certain (self-)confidence as we stand behind the message or purpose. Here the idea that I´m exploring in my video „TRUE“ comes full circle again and connects back with the thoughts that inspired it.
I decided to keep the fringes of the fabric in a rough, loose way, pulling out certain threads as the neatness of a seamed fabric felt like limiting and imprisoning an idea that is rather meant to extend and spread – so the yarn is like the tentacles of an octopus or jellyfish reaching out. Ideally they are objects to be used and not just neat decoration to be looked at.