THIS IS MY Art Portfolio
Single-Channel HD-Video, no sound, color, 10.58 Min. (Loop)
The videoperformance „Polish“ deals with our desire for optimization and perfectioning. Appearances are deceiving and rather poisonous polish than real improvement or value. The expectation of a god-like human-being is a conceited deception and its polish will spall at some time. Our desperate urge to improve things is quite often destroying their actual quality.
The apple is not only symbol of seduction but also symbol of our lost innocence in many ways.
Single-Channel HD-Video, no sound, color, 10.58 Min. (Loop)
The videoperformance „Polish“ deals with our desire for optimization and perfectioning. Appearances are deceiving and rather poisonous polish than real improvement or value. The expectation of a god-like human-being is a conceited deception and its polish will spall at some time. Our desperate urge to improve things is quite often destroying their actual quality.
The apple is not only symbol of seduction but also symbol of our lost innocence in many ways.