2-Channel-Installation, HD Video, sound, b&w, 4.10 Min. (Loop)
MOTHER TONGUE is about the very special relationship between mother and daughter and about reclaiming our animal heritage. It is also about exploring our senses in a different way and (re)discovering actions beyond their societal interpretation.
Cats and other animals lick the faces and bodies of their kids and vice versa to show their love and also as a cleaning ritual. A ritual that also means legacy. The cat has always been seen as an animal connected to motherhood and is a creature associated with women as myths, stories and images show.
I was interested what happens if this behaviour is transferred into the human world. As licking often has a sexual connotation in our society it seems odd and maybe almost incestious what is basically an act of purity. Only as society is influencing and restricting our thinking and behaviour we suppose there´s something wrong. That arises the question how strongly we´re influenced by codes of conduct that determine how we read gestures. It shows how difficult it is to overcome notions of how things are and should be.
One might be confused what to do with this image as then again it´s neither sexual nor a common portrait of mother and daughter. With its ambigous, blurred or confusing message it refuses to be an economic picture and wants us to reflect on it. Other than e.g. depictions of mother and daughter do in commercial clips or advertisments.
Eventually in its simple form it is a complex nexus of performance, mother-daughter-relationship, society´s expectations, fears and affection.

Mother Tongue, 2013
Language, especially the mother tongue as home. The body as home. The body of the mother, the lost home. The new home, one´s own body. Legacy as home, a home that constitutes our roots. We, our body and soul as homes for our desires and fears, for our fights and hopes.
MOTHER TONGUE was installed/presented a.o. at
2018 "The One Who Teeters on The Brink Of Disaster", Capri by Night/Schauspielhaus Cologne
2017 FAIR. / FairPlay, curated by Micol Hebron & Spinello Projects, Miami Beach
2016 Femmes´ Video Art Festival, Los Angeles
2015 Mother, Muratcentoventidue, Bari
2014 Family Matters, CCC Strozzina, Palazzo Strozzi, Florence
2013 2nd OZON International Video Art Festival, Katowice, Poland

MOTHER TONGUE in the context of the show "Family Matters" at CCC Strozzina in Florence. For more Installation Shots please see HERE


Essay about MOTHER TONGUE by Marisa Georgiou in Common Ground Journal