THIS IS MY Art Portfolio
Figure (Spine), 2017
The photo series „Figure (Spine)“ got amongst others inspired by my research for my videowork „TRUE“. When I came across the caryatides (the female counterpart of the male figures carrying structures in architecture – the most famous ones are probably the ones of the Akropolis in Athens) I was intrigued immediately.
For me the caryatide embodies an image of a women who tackles something, is strong and is supporting. I found her erotic and emancipated at the same time.
Moreover through visits in different cities and many walks I had been thinking a lot about the “(un)/organic” quality of architecture, how it often seemed physical and almost “human” and sometimes very repulsing or unwelcoming.
So I was interested in merging human body and architectonic element to a performative sculpture suggesting one of the caryatids got alive and independent from her rigid surrounding structure.
Figure (Spine), 2017
The photo series „Figure (Spine)“ got amongst others inspired by my research for my videowork „TRUE“. When I came across the caryatides (the female counterpart of the male figures carrying structures in architecture – the most famous ones are probably the ones of the Akropolis in Athens) I was intrigued immediately.
For me the caryatide embodies an image of a women who tackles something, is strong and is supporting. I found her erotic and emancipated at the same time.
Moreover through visits in different cities and many walks I had been thinking a lot about the “(un)/organic” quality of architecture, how it often seemed physical and almost “human” and sometimes very repulsing or unwelcoming.
So I was interested in merging human body and architectonic element to a performative sculpture suggesting one of the caryatids got alive and independent from her rigid surrounding structure.