THIS IS MY Art Portfolio
Hands: Plaster
Box: Acrylic glass (blue, red bottom), 33 x 33 x 14 cm, open on one side
Hands are there to touch and be touched, if you want they are a tool to connect, they help us to feel, to grab, to understand bodies and objects. Thus hands are deeply related to various projections and desires.
These hands, plaster moulds of my own hands, even more. They form ambigous signs, one shows the „mano fica“, the other the „mano cornuta“ – both symbols for good luck or against the evil eye but at the same time also symbols that can be interpreted in an offending way as they are charged with sexual connotations as well.
The greyish plaster hands lack every sign of life and still desire is inherent in them resp. in what they symbolize.
However, also the visitor is not allowed to touch or come really close as the hands are protected by an acryl glass box that casts a cold, blue shadow on them. Blue as the longing to connect. Blue as the light of projectors before they are connected to another device.
Just one side is open and reveals that the bottom of the box is actually red. A glimpse of something different. An impression of warmth.
Hands: Plaster
Box: Acrylic glass (blue, red bottom), 33 x 33 x 14 cm, open on one side
Hands are there to touch and be touched, if you want they are a tool to connect, they help us to feel, to grab, to understand bodies and objects. Thus hands are deeply related to various projections and desires.
These hands, plaster moulds of my own hands, even more. They form ambigous signs, one shows the „mano fica“, the other the „mano cornuta“ – both symbols for good luck or against the evil eye but at the same time also symbols that can be interpreted in an offending way as they are charged with sexual connotations as well.
The greyish plaster hands lack every sign of life and still desire is inherent in them resp. in what they symbolize.
However, also the visitor is not allowed to touch or come really close as the hands are protected by an acryl glass box that casts a cold, blue shadow on them. Blue as the longing to connect. Blue as the light of projectors before they are connected to another device.
Just one side is open and reveals that the bottom of the box is actually red. A glimpse of something different. An impression of warmth.
Photo above: Installed on the occasion of "ONE-AN/OTHER" at Muratcentoventidue, Bari – find more installation shot of the show here
Installation Shots above: "DAS ERNSTE ZELT", Humboldt Carré, Berlin, 2017