Crumble, 2012
Single-Channel HD-Video, color, no sound, 7.40 Min. (Loop)
Bread is regarded as an if not the essential food for human beings. Not only has it a long tradition but also a lot of symbolic meaning. From stories of the Holy Bible where Jesus is breaking the bread or even regarded as the bread himself to fairy-tales like Hansel and Gretel where the crumbs are a means to not get lost resp. find the way back to their safe home the food seems to play an important role in our life. It even seems to be a synonym for food in general: So we also speak of „our daily bread“ in terms of means of subsistence.
Though we all know the saying „You are what you eat“ we´ve become accustomed to eat a lot of things where we don´t actually know what they are resp. what they consist of or contain. Sometimes it seems like we´ve accepted that the food industry is in power concerning our daily bread.
„Crumble“ is an somehow absurd comment on our relationship with and behaviour towards the things we eat. They might be suprising and we won´t like the taste but just go on devouring it. Sometimes at least.

C R U M B L E, 2012