Angel Wings, 2005/11
Loop (2.48 Min), Single-Channel 4:3 Video, b&w, sound
The videoperformance “Angel Wings” is a metaphor for our eternal longing for ultimate freedom, for the desire to fly away like a bird. The try to sew feathers on my skin to resemble a bird and become an aerial creature is foredoomed to fail. Fatal pathos. A modern Icarus. Meditation of physical and emotional pain. The sound is based on a German children´s song whose actual lyrics and sound got altered a bit and adapted to the video´s message. The easy melody is contrasting the rough picture. In its endless repetition the sound gets a mantra-like quality and the picture and endless torture that is nevertheless poetic.
Angel Wings has a.o. been shown at “The Eye of the Collector”, selected works of the Manuel De Santaren Collection, Villa delle Rose (MAMbo), Bologna (with Maria Josè Arjona, Niklas Goldbach, Jesse Aron Green, William Lamson, McCallum and Tarry, Hans Op de Beeck, Luigi Presicce, Isabel Rocamora, Janaina Tschäpe) 2012.

Installation Shot: "Angel Wings" @ Gallery Art Claims Impulse, Berlin - 2013

Angel Wings, 2005/2011