Perception, social constructs, (power) relations, nature and transformation are recurring subjects in the multifaceted work of Chrischa Venus Oswald.
Oswald´s work is driven by the intention and curiosity to artistically investigate and reflect the conditio humana and behavior or scenarios resulting from it.
Besides her visual artwork Oswald has continually been cultivating a literary practice in different languages.
Her poems often preserve fleeting moments and sensual observations or serve as a kind of condensed diary, sometimes narrative, sometimes more encrypted.
Find my Writing Website here
“I am large. I contain multitudes.”
(Walt Whitman)
When I was a kid I always said I wanted to marry an artist one fine day.
Eventually I realized I could become one myself… and I ended up studying fine art.
However, books, reading and writing have been my passion ever since (and saved me many times) – and besides my creative writing I´ve been freelancing in many jobs that revolved around language (from translating articles of a Bollywood magazine into German to interviews with creatives to copywriting for fancy design-catalogues).
I self-published two artist books with poems („Sal ~Sol ; Solo“ in Portuguese, „The Blue Book“ in English) and currently I´m the editor of a collaborative series of self-published zines called „The Sensual Journal“. I might release a book with my German texts at some point, too... (I´m also working on some short stories in German at the moment).
I´m not interested in putting things in boxes or in creating limiting labels. All of my creative practices frame equally who I am & how I like to express myself.
Besides that I like to support women to find their own authentic expression and thus offer guidance and practices to (re)connect with yourself (in German and English).
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